Charter Name: Infinito (Leader Linksell)
Jobs 75: THF BLU WAR
Notable Subjobs: NIN RNG THF
Notable Merits: THF, Ambush Feint , Assasin Charge, Triple attak (Cap) Evasion 310 Merits and Gear , Dagger Skill Lev 6.
BLU, Skill Sword lev 6 , Diffusion, Convergence, Physical Potency lev 4, Magical Accuracy lev 2.
ZM/COP/TOAU: TOAU 44, COP Done, ZM 16, WOG Done, Rank Tier 7.
Most Items Wanted: Kirin Osode, Cimsom Legs, Crimsom Hands, Seiryu Kote.
Where you heard about us: Linksell Impossible To gauge...
Thank you guys for apply in LS. I hope that you are comfortable here and with everyone's help we can get the parts you want (O.o)
See You Again.